Tuesday, December 4, 2012

How To Make Sure Your Members Log Into Your Membership Site Every Single Day

When you're creating a membership site, whether it's a free one, single payment or recurring membership site you need to make sure that your members login every single day to consume your content, keep the contact with you and apply whatever expense they are making. You can do this using three techniques, e-mail updates, announce upcoming content and have some kind of community.

Many membership owners overlook the possibility of e-mail updates. When I join your membership site I want you to send me an e-mail at least every few days, or every week, telling me why I should keep paying for your site, what content is new, what content may I have missed. This is very easy for you to do. Simply go to your auto responder follow up sequence and create a very short message for each week listing what new content is available, or even what existing content any member of your site should check out, then link back to the site so people can easily login.

It's just that simple, someone is a member of your site and tell them each week what they should be looking at, but also when someone logs into your site you should list what kind of content is coming up. WordPress has many plug ins and widgets that you can put on your side bar that will tell people what posts are coming up in the future. Even if you don't know how to add that kind of functionality you can add a short message at the bottom of each of your membership site posts or pages telling people, in three days I'll be posting about this subject, or in seven days I'll be posting about that subject. Just so people know what's coming up, what they have to look forward to and why they should keep paying you and logging in.

Finally, one easy adjustment you can make to your membership site is enabling comments. In WordPress you can check one box and now anyone who's used any page or post on your site can leave their own comment underneath. Don't worry you can also set it so that you have to moderate or approve each comment, you can still police the discussion, but people can now make friends and new connections with other members in your same membership site.

Be sure that your members should login to your site every week, or even better every single day, by announcing e-mail updates, letting people know about upcoming content and having some kind of community where they can interact with one another.

The 7 Most Effective Ways to Make Money Online   The Website RFP, Understand Tiers to Avoid Tears   Don't Even Think About "How To Write A Good Sales Letter" Without Knowing This 1 Little Secret!   7 Affiliate Marketing Tools to Offer Your Affiliates and Improve Conversions   

3 Disastrous Mistakes That Will Hurt Your Sales Funnel

Setting up a successful sales funnel takes dedication and the right set of process. However, many internet marketers make these three common mistakes that will puts their business in a standstill.

1. They fail to offer something of real value to their visitors

Creating the right reputation is key on to your business. You need to offer them something that will let them take immediate action and implement your free offer to help them achieve their goal.

You initial goal here is to over deliver. Give them content that is hard to find or explain a strategy in a step by step way. The more work it takes you the better the offer. One the best ways to get this is to have a free PDF report or video. Your PDF could be no more than 10 pages, but still have great specific action taking steps so that your visitor will see that your products are of high quality.

My golden rule is this: Over deliver and they will always want more. So if you're offering a free gift with great content that they will easily pay for. Then imagine what they think about your paid offers. This does wonders in your reputation and credibility.

2. They don't split their list by niche

Understand that not everyone will be interested in your initial product. The best strategy is to stick with your main product, build a list and cross promote. Once a customer decides that your content is great they will most likely purchase more from you and you will then have that customer on different list for each of your products.

It is always an excellent practice to separate your buyers from your prospects. Your prospects will sign up on your squeeze page and your job is to follow-up within your auto-responder by giving them free content and occasionally a paid offer.

3. They don't plan for the long-term

In order to have a long-term strategy you need to build your list of products to offer your subscribers. Product creation is key here, create your own products that your visitors want and it will be easy for you to sell them.

You start out with your introductory product and branch off into specific strategies and courses. Two tried and tested formats are PDF and Video courses. Video instantly adds value and therefore, you can charge a premium, but do yourself a favor and over deliver.

It is no longer enough to send visitors to a squeeze page have a one-time-offer and a down-sell. You also need to continue to pre-sell them by your auto-responder as well.

Avoid these common mistakes that people make when starting any internet marketing venture and set up your sales funnel that will maximize results and profits. One of the best ways to achieve this is to get the right internet marketing plan that will take years off the learning curve.

The 7 Most Effective Ways to Make Money Online   The Website RFP, Understand Tiers to Avoid Tears   Don't Even Think About "How To Write A Good Sales Letter" Without Knowing This 1 Little Secret!   7 Affiliate Marketing Tools to Offer Your Affiliates and Improve Conversions   How To Create A Brand New Product In The Next 3 Days   

Why Selling Information Remains So Popular Online

Selling information still remains a very popular and profitable business for many online. There is no denying that promoting software may be sexier but building an internet based business around these low cost products still rocks! Let's examine 7 reasons why!

Content Is King

The internet was 'birthed' by the demand for information sharing, remember the information highway reference? Therefore you know demand is there which is something you need in order to build a profitable business!

Product Pricing is Attractive

Since gathering and dispensing useful content is a relatively inexpensive process, it helps make for such low cost products. With little invested except for time pricing can be kept where these products are affordable to just about anybody, which of course only broadens the demand!

Global Audience

The internet allows you to easily access a globally based population on a 24/7 basis, even as you sleep or play. Since content can be transmitted online there are no shipping hassles or having to wait for product delivery. This is very appealing to the 'instant gratification' mentality that is so prevalent in our society today!

You Are the Source Material

Creation and/or development can be as easy as sharing your own experiences or acquired know-how. Many may think they have little or nothing of value to share but remember, we all have different experiences, acquired skills and even perspectives.

Business Costs Are Low

An internet based business typically has a low overhead since it is not a brick and mortar structure that comes with utilities and rent. Marketing low cost products like information helps to drive costs even lower leaving plenty of room for profits!

Recurring Income

One good quality product that focuses on 'timeless' subject matter can continue to generate you an income well into the future!

No Limitations

Except for your own drive and motivation there are virtually no limits as to where businesses like this can take you. Oh sure you may run out of experiences and accumulated knowledge you can share, but if that is the case you can always resort to doing some research!

Selling information continues to be both a very popular and profitable business for many aspiring and experienced marketeers online. In fact having an internet based business like this makes terrific sense from a cost and benefits point of view as the discussion above hopefully explains! Since demand for these low cost products will continue to be driven by the inquisitive nature of humans it is no wonder it remains such a profitable business!

The 7 Most Effective Ways to Make Money Online   The Website RFP, Understand Tiers to Avoid Tears   Don't Even Think About "How To Write A Good Sales Letter" Without Knowing This 1 Little Secret!   7 Affiliate Marketing Tools to Offer Your Affiliates and Improve Conversions   

Common Habits of Effective Product Designers

Creating new products can be incredibly difficult even for experienced product designers. There are several steps that goes into the process, which also makes failure inevitable at various facets of product development. However, there is a certain set of habits that differentiate good designers from effective ones.

If you want to become part of the latter group, below are the traits and practices that you need to uphold when you design product for the market.

Stick to the mundane.

Products are designed and created for a specific function. Some designers might be compelled to produce something novel, but you need to stay rooted on mundane concepts before attempting to innovate. It starts with an understanding of what the market needs. Put usefulness before innovation when designing a new product.

A lot of designers commit the mistake of focusing on novelty above function in an effort to make quick profit. As a result, they forgo important elements in product design, such as sustainability and longevity. Make sure to avoid taking this path.

Give value to the product's function.

A good product is something that can serve the function it was intended for. You can incorporate additional features into the product; however, it must not intervene with the primary function of the product itself. Unless a product can perform efficiently, it is deprived of the ability to compete in the marketplace.

Think about the user.

Excellent designers are sensitive to the needs of its user. There is a very fine line standing between necessary and superfluous features in a product. You must therefore exercise great caution when planning a product's design before you proceed into the creation process.

Strive for sustainability.

Several products released in the market today are being scrutinized for its contribution to more environmental damage. Hence, you must think about how the materials used and packaging of the product can facilitate more sustainability. Embrace the challenge of protecting the environment when you design product.

Is your product recyclable? How can your product facilitate in natural preservation? Ask yourself these questions and use them as your personal guide.

Reinforce the brand.

A brand is an important component for any business organization. Thus, it should be incorporated into the process of designing new products. However, do not limit yourself with logo, colors, and other emblems of the company. Focus on the mission, vision, and objectives of the organization as a whole and think about how this product can help in achieving them.

Prioritize product merit over clever marketing.

A good product can stand on its own. It does not need clever marketing for consumers to appreciate its value. The market today is saturated with useless products that offer little to no value. Effective designers must overcome the wave of product novelty and focus on competency in the market. If you have a good product, it will be easier to market them without spending thousands of dollars on advertising.

Understand the context of the product's use.

Before you design product, make sure to perform a thorough market research. Use this as an opportunity to gather information on the behavioral patterns of its intended user. This will provide you with useful insights into what are the necessary features and what features you can forgo.

Leave your legacy behind.

The best product designers are ones that focus on meaningful design solutions. All of their products are designed to create an impact on users and improve their quality of life, thus leaving a lasting impression on the consumers.

The 7 Most Effective Ways to Make Money Online   The Website RFP, Understand Tiers to Avoid Tears   Don't Even Think About "How To Write A Good Sales Letter" Without Knowing This 1 Little Secret!   7 Affiliate Marketing Tools to Offer Your Affiliates and Improve Conversions   How To Create A Brand New Product In The Next 3 Days   How to Make an EBook Cover for Free   

How to Make Your Own Product: The Info-Marketing Blueprints You Need

Should anyone ever have wondered how to make your own product your wait ends. 8 figure earner Mark Hoverson lately released his new course, Irresistible Info-Marketing Blueprint. A six module course with two Bonuses offering you with the exact blueprints on not merely how to make your own product, but blueprints to selling techniques, too.

Allow me to tell you why I'm so pumped about Mark's Irresistible Info-Marketing Blueprint. I really believe and understand that having your own product is definitely a total game changer. Creating my own product happened to be a complete game changer for myself. It was the main difference between one and two leads every day, to 30 plus leads daily.

How much information do you have up in your brain that you believe could truly help others? You've got information that other individuals are looking for and want, now you just need the simple blueprints on how to make your own product. Mark has mastered creating his own products and has put those product creation techniques into into simple blueprints you can follow .

So what is in Mark's Irresistible Info-Marketing Blueprint that is going to teach you how to make your own product? Let me give a quick breakdown on the 6 modules and bonuses, each includes an action guide, too.

Module 1: Irresistible Caffeine Product Creation. Learn to construct your personal quick product to give you an influx in cash. Find out how Mark and students make quick selling products again and again. A fantastic income generating strategy you can do.

Module 2: Irresistible Team Creation. Blueprints on just how to make irresistible teams, where to find dark horses within teams, how you can create contests within teams, and much more.

Module 3: Irresistible Email (with Video Bonus). Blueprints regarding how to get people to open your emails. Once you recognize how to make your own product, you'll have to learn how to craft an irresistible email to sell your product.

Module 4: Irresistible Selling Webinars. Blueprint which offers you 37 components required to create an irresistible selling webinar, an exciting challenge for students throughout this module. Mark's offering what he's learned from QVC and direct selling. Learn not merely how to make your own product, but exactly how to promote it through online webinars.

Module 5: Irresistible Crop Products (Long-term Asset Products) Learn to create your own products which can be evergreen items. This module is an exact blueprint on how to create your own product that you could continuously make money on over and over.

Module 6: Irresistible Speaking Secrets. Ever wanted to sell from stage? This blueprint will teach you the best way to provide high-impact and high profit speeches.

Module 7: **Bonus module. Friction-Free "Word-for-Word" Prospecting Secrets. Blueprints which to convey over the telephone to create sales.

Second Bonus: Instant Product Creation Blueprint LIVE (trained at $3995 live event).

How to make your own product is going to be easy with these blueprints in place. You hold the knowledge inside your mind and with Mark's Irresistible Info-Marketing Blueprint, you will have everything to understand specifically what to do.

The 7 Most Effective Ways to Make Money Online   The Website RFP, Understand Tiers to Avoid Tears   Don't Even Think About "How To Write A Good Sales Letter" Without Knowing This 1 Little Secret!   7 Affiliate Marketing Tools to Offer Your Affiliates and Improve Conversions   How To Create A Brand New Product In The Next 3 Days   

iPad Apps: Innovative Design and Robust Development Solutions

The attractive features of iPad have made this device popular among people of all ages. From college students to professionals to businessman, every one is buying their personal iPad so that they can stay connected while they are on the move.

In order to increase iPad's functionality, there are newer and innovative iPad applications that are being developed to make the work of users easier. Businesses are also taking advantage of iPads in creating a direct link with their target market by developing unique, attractive and innovative applications. It has become an integral part in corporate strategy to develop new, intuitive and innovative applications for reaching the target market at ease.

In such cut-throat competition among businesses, it has become important to hire a company that can look after design and development phase of applications. The increase in development of iPad apps has led to an increase in number of development companies too. There are iPad design and development companies that are combining their skills and talent to develop unique and innovative applications with high graphics and functionally attractive applications.

If you also want to develop an application for an iPad, you must define your requirements to iPad app developers so that they can suggest you the best and effective solutions for your business. Moreover, there is no shortage of best iPad application development companies so you can choose the top application development company to obtain the best results out of your investment.

While you are making a selection of iPad design development company, you can overview their previous work and past records to know about their credibility in the market. They will customize iPad application development services so that you can get value for money. You can ask to develop new applications or can also ask to port iPhone apps to iPad as per the device's specifications and functionalities.

They employ a team of experienced and reliable iPad developers who have knowledge about the existing market trends and therefore, provide you solutions that can give an edge over your competitors. Taking their assistance in developing unique applications is not a bad idea! You can give them a brief about your requirements so that you can get quality solutions at cost-effective prices.

Use Internet to search for a company that has a team of iPad designers and iPad developers with different backgrounds and skill-sets so that you can get an innovative and creative design along with reliable and robust development solutions.

The 7 Most Effective Ways to Make Money Online   The Website RFP, Understand Tiers to Avoid Tears   Don't Even Think About "How To Write A Good Sales Letter" Without Knowing This 1 Little Secret!   7 Affiliate Marketing Tools to Offer Your Affiliates and Improve Conversions   How To Create A Brand New Product In The Next 3 Days   How to Make an EBook Cover for Free   

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